KUPANG - Commander of Lantamal VII Kupang Marine Colonel (F) Heribertus Yudho Warsono said his party had prepared all personnel and equipment and logistics in case of a natural disaster in East Nusa Tenggara province. as well as various equipment shows that we are ready to face natural disasters," he told reporters in Kupang, Friday, February 18. in NTT caused by Cyclone Seroja in April 2021, became a separate lesson to prepare various equipment in anticipating another natural disaster in NTT. natural disaster occurs," he added In addition, the implementation of the preparedness meeting is also part of the way to coordinate with each other so that if there is a natural disaster, the handling is not carried out individually by each agency.

As a province with an archipelagic topography, he said, everything has been prepared. At sea, the Navy and Polairud have prepared ships in terms of distribution. "Similarly there is Basarnas. Meanwhile on land, various equipment such as heavy equipment vehicles, ambulances, logistics distribution vehicles have been prepared," he said. Not only that, for disasters. What happened in a number of remote areas and difficulties with communication tools, his party has coordinated to reactivate orari so that they can communicate with each other.

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