JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, said that a strong commitment is needed to implement policies to prevent child marriage.

"We need to strengthen the commitment to implementing policies to prevent child marriage, which of course requires the involvement of many parties, starting from the role of Ministries/Institutions, provincial and district/city governments, other development partners including the children themselves to encourage the fulfillment of children's rights and child protection," said the Minister of PPPA. through its press release, Thursday 17 February.

Bintang Puspayoga said it was in response to the news in three cities in Indonesia with the highest number of pregnant students out of wedlock. Sadly, in one city, there were thousands of students who became pregnant out of wedlock.

"I am very concerned about the increasing number of students who are pregnant out of wedlock in three cities in Indonesia, which is part of the practice of child marriage," he said.

According to him, the increasing number of students who are pregnant out of wedlock is caused by many factors, ranging from economic, social factors to the COVID-19 pandemic which is still ongoing.

Her party also encourages the issuance of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Women's Ulemas Congress (KUPI) regarding children who are pregnant out of wedlock not to be married off.

This is also in line with the process of applying for a marriage dispensation, which does not necessarily mean that a pregnant child will be granted by the Religious Courts to be able to marry.

"Of course the role of the media is also very important in reporting with clear and accountable data sources," said Minister Bintang.

The PPPA Ministry together with the local Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (PPA) and stakeholders will oversee this case of child marriage and carry out a series of treatments starting from reinforcing the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 25 of 2021 concerning Child Friendly District Policies (KLA) and Strategy National Prevention of Child Marriage and Villages / Villages that are Friendly to Women and Care for Children.

"In addition, we will also optimize integration in the Child Friendly Education Unit and involve National Facilitators as well as accreditation and operational assistance," he said.

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