BANDARLAMPUNG - The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Lampung Police has thwarted the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) which was planned to be sent to Singapore to be used as a household assistant (ART).

"On Sunday, February 13 on Soekarno-Hatta Street, Labuhan Dalam, Tanjung Happy, Bandarlampung City, the team managed to thwart a TIP perpetrated by a company", said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Lampung Police, AKBP Khoirun Hutapea, in Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara on Wednesday, February 16.

He said the disclosure was based on reports from the public on Wednesday, February 9, that PT X, which has branches in Lampung and Ponorogo, based in Jakarta, was suspected of committing TIP.

"There are as many as nine victims of prospective PMI who come from several areas in Lampung Province who are planned to be sent to Singapore to be used as household assistants (ART)", he said.

According to him, the victims were lured with a salary of 550 Singapore dollars or if converted into a total of IDR 5,832,860, so that the victims were tempted and had time to attend training to become ART in Ponorogo, East Java at PT X.

"From the results of the disclosure, officers managed to secure evidence in the form of 9 visiting passports belonging to the victim, five bus tickets to Ponorogo, East Java, and 1 bundle of licensing documents belonging to PT X", he said.

PT X is suspected of violating Article 2 or Article 4 of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning Eradication of the crime of trafficking in persons, with a minimum penalty of 3 years and a maximum of 15 years in prison.

"In the meantime, I cannot explain the full names of the PT or the people involved because it is still under development", he said

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