MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution reviewed the implementation of the vaccination of SD Negeri 060898 students on Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Gang Balai Desa, Medan Maimun District.

At that school, Bobby Nasution observed the vaccination process for elementary school students. Bobby had a dialogue with parents and teachers.

After that, Bobby then went around the school complex. When going up to the 2nd floor, Bobby immediately saw the condition of the school toilets.

"The water is not functioning, Mr. Kadis," said Bobby Nasution to the Head of the Medan City Education Office, Admiral Putra, Wednesday, February 16.

Next, Bobby looked for the School Health Unit (UKS) room. However, he did not find it and asked the principal.

"Where is the UKS," he asked.

The principal of SD Negeri 060898, Sukma Sari, led Bobby Nasution to the UKS room. However, when he was in UKS, Bobby was surprised to see his condition.

Bobby Nasution immediately saw a plate filled with cigarette butts and ashes. Next, Bobby checked the school's UKS first aid kit to see the availability of medicines.

"This medicine has expired, the device is not working. When did you buy the medicine," Bobby Nasution asked the principal.

Bobby asked the Head of Education Admiral Putra to evaluate all school equipment

"Please evaluate all the school equipment. Water facilities are dead, toilets are not functioning," he said.

"UKS is not feasible, medicines are expired," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Principal of SD Negeri 060898, Sukma Sari, admitted that the UKS room at his school was not well maintained. According to him, such condition occurs because the UKS room is integrated with the library.

"I admit, the UKS room is conditioned as well as a library. Because we don't have a UKS room. It is divided," said Sukma.

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