JAKARTA - President Joe Biden made an impassioned call to Russian President Vladimir Putin to avoid war with Ukraine on Tuesday, speaking candidly about the "unnecessary death and destruction" Moscow could inflict, as well as the international outrage President Putin would face.
In a nationally televised address, President Biden said the United States estimates 150,000 Russian troops are now 'encircling' Ukraine, as large-scale military exercises are being conducted with Belarus.
President Biden said diplomacy was still welcome. Should Russia invade Ukraine, the United States and its allies are prepared to respond with penalties aimed at inflicting economic pain and global isolation.
Most of President Biden's remarks were aimed directly at President Putin, who demanded that NATO not accept Ukraine as a member, halting its further eastward expansion.
"The United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia. Ukraine is not a threat to Russia. Neither the US nor NATO has missiles in Ukraine. We don't, have no plans to put them there either. We're not targeting people. Russia. We're not trying to destabilize Russia," President Biden said, citing Reuters February 16.

The American president also appealed directly to Russian citizens.
"To the Russian people: you are not our enemy, and I don't believe you want a bloody, destructive war against Ukraine," President Joe Biden said.
"The human and strategic costs would be "enormous" for Russia to attack. The world will not forget, that Russia chose death and unnecessary destruction," he said.
On this occasion President Biden reiterated that his party was not seeking direct confrontation with Russia, saying its troops would not fight in Ukraine.
But he stressed that he was ready to respond decisively if Russia attacked his side in Ukraine. He also warned that President Biden said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine would have consequences, including energy costs.
"We are ready to respond decisively to Russia's attack on Ukraine, which is still very likely," President Biden said, adding that NATO was united and determined as "ever it was."
In addition, President Biden also issued a warning for Russia not to engage in cyber attacks.
"If Russia attacks the United States or our allies through asymmetric means such as a disruptive cyberattack against our company or critical infrastructure, we are ready to respond," he said.
Reports that Russia has withdrawn some military units "would be good but we haven't verified it," President Biden said.
"Indeed, our analysts indicate that they remain in a very threatening position," he said, citing "more than 150,000 troops encircling Ukraine and Belarus and along the Ukrainian border."
"Invasion is still possible," concluded President Biden.
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