BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto still made the decision to stop face-to-face learning (PTM) for all school levels, taking into account the school's cluster of 561 teachers and students as of last weekend.

"It's still distance learning, we decided to extend it, cases are still high, there are no plans to reopen PTM, the cluster number is around 500," said Bima Arya in Bogor City, Tuesday, February 15.

Bima said the decision to extend the PTM had been stated in the COVID-19 Task Force Decree number 03/STPC/02/2022 with five provisions given to education units, along with the status of the implementation of level 3 community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Bogor City until next week.

First, the policy to temporarily suspend PTM at PPKM in the context of controlling COVID-19 in the City of Bogor is carried out by implementing the implementation of learning in educational units (PAUD), Kindergarten, SD, SMP, SMA or the equivalent, Islamic boarding schools and other educational institutions in Bogor City. distance learning system (PJJ).

Temporarily suspend all activities that involve students or students from the education unit including activities inside and outside the school, as well as education units that carry out office activities in the non-essential sector, and 25 percent of employees work in the office who have been vaccinated.

Second, the implementation of the PTM termination policy is implemented based on the situational there is an increase in COVID-19 cases in the Omicron variant.

Furthermore, the third, Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force personnel who were appointed to carry out control and restrictions on community movement activities in and out of the Bogor City area, together with the Bogor City Education Office, Bogor City Religious Office, Regional Education Office Branch Office (KCD) II. West Java and related institutions carry out monitoring and evaluation.

Fourth, in carrying out control tasks by monitoring people's movements, they must report to the Head of the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force, namely the Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya Sugiarto. Lastly, and fifth, the decision of the Head of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 will take effect on February 15, 2022 until February 21, 2022.

That way, Bima said, controlling the spread of COVID-19 in the school environment and from outside the school can be tightened so that the decline in positive cases of COVID-19 can also be felt more quickly.

"In Jakarta there has been a decrease in cases, but not in West Java, including Bogor City, so we still have to be vigilant," he explained.

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