MEDAN - Active cases of COVID-19 in the city of Medan continue to soar. As a result, the PPKM status per day has risen to level 3 after previously being at level I.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said there were at least 3 main points that made the status of Medan City rise.

"As of today, after leaving the Ministry of Home Affairs, Medan has returned to level 3. There are approximately 3 points, judging by the data submitted," said Bobby Nasution, Tuesday, February 15.

First, Bobby said, currently the number of confirmed positive corona viruses in the city of Medan is already above 300 cases.

"On average, per day, the positive confirmed has been above 300 from the previous few days," he said.

The next point, President Jokowi's son-in-law, said that the occupancy of Covid patients in hospitals had reached 22 percent.

"Thirdly, what is still being monitored is low and the concern is the death rate, until today, there are 4 cases of death in Medan. The most additions occurred yesterday, there were 3 cases of death in a day," he said.

"Before Medan, the death rate was still at number 1," he continued.

For the death rate in Medan City, Bobby Nasution said it was still low. However, he warned his staff to pay more attention so that the number of deaths did not increase.

Not only that, an increase in active cases of Covid-19 also occurred in the school environment. As a result, he said, his party had 10 schools in the city of Medan that were found to have positive confirmed cases.

"We inform you that 10 of our schools are closed, because indeed there are students, students or educators who have been confirmed as positive for COVID-19," he explained.

It is known, based on data updated by the Medan City COVID-19 Task Force, on February 15, 2022, at 17.20 WIB, there were an addition of 777 cases. A total of 52,726 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Medan City.

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