JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) has opened registration for legislative candidates (caleg) even though the general election will only be held in 2024.

The chairman of the PAN National Election Winning Committee, Yandri Susanto, said this step was taken as an effort to recruit prospective candidates. This selection is effective in finding the best candidates who will compete in the 2024 Pilleg event.

We invite the public to join as PAN candidates so that if elected, they can make a meaningful contribution because they are involved in drafting laws that affect the nation's life," Yandri said in a written statement, Tuesday, February 15.

Yandri asserted, anyone can register as a candidate. This is because this party is a central Islamic party so it is open to all groups.

Not only that, he said, this party is also open to young people who want to enter the world of politics.

"PAN is a center party, not to the right and to the left. We are a nationalist, central Islamic, pluralist and modern party, and we are open to all groups," he stressed.

"In fact, we are also open to young people," added Yandri.

Yandri said people who want to register but do not have a political background need not worry about joining. Because, a number of training ranging from campaign strategy to winning will be given.

Not only that, Yandri also mentioned many figures who joined his party. They consist of professionals, activists, athletes, community leaders, to leaders of Islamic boarding schools, as well as Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figures.

"There is Gus Ahmad Abdul Qadir from Syeh Abdul Qadir Jaelani Islamic Boarding School in Probolinggo, Muhammadiya figure Dr. Ade Tauhid, there is Atep, a national football player, Gita Sinaga among artists," he said.

"What is clear is that PAN will appear with a new face and new energy in the 2024 election," concluded Yandri.

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