PURWOREJO - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo returned to Wadas Village, Purworejo, Sunday, February 23 this afternoon. Unlike the previous arrivals who were escorted by the police, this time Ganjar came alone.
Ganjar arrived at Wadas Village at around 12.30 WIB. As soon as he arrived at the Nurul Huda mosque, Ganjar was greeted by hundreds of Wadas residents. Those who were already at the location welcomed Ganjar with the song of Yalal Wathon.
There was no tension at all in the meeting. What happened, Ganjar Pranowo was greeted warmly and kindly. A number of residents also smiled when greeted by Ganjar.
He also briefly greeted Nurhadi, one of the Wadas residents who was arrested and had a video call with him. To Nurhadi, Ganjar asked how he was and offered treatment because Nurhadi said he had chest pain.
"Check it out, go to the X-ray to find out what the pain is," said Ganjar.

Nurhadi smiled at the offer, however, he asked Ganjar to be massaged.
"Yes, yes, sir, Mr. Nurhadi has a massage tonight," said Ganjar.
After the Zuhur prayer, Ganjar then sat down on the terrace of the mosque. There, he chatted with Wadas residents.
Although serious but the meeting was very relaxed. Several times, Ganjar and the residents laughed when there were funny things that residents said at the meeting.
During the chat, Ganjar started his speech by apologizing to the Wadas residents for the unpleasant incident last Tuesday (8/2).
On that occasion, residents took turns conveying their feelings to Ganjar. A number of residents told many of the arrests they experienced.
"We are afraid, sir, my husband was arrested without knowing the problem. Now at home and if you see the police or a foreign man in black, you get scared. Every day he locks himself in the house, the door is always locked. The children are also traumatized, sir," said Waliyah, one of the one citizen.
Another resident, Ana said that she and her husband were arrested by the police during the conflict. Her husband was arrested while on his way to Purworejo, while he was arrested while in the village.

"I feel sorry for my son, sir, he is still young. How does it feel to be left by his parents who were arrested by the police, sir. We residents are still traumatized," he said.
Ganjar patiently listened to the stories and demands of the residents. Before starting his speech, Ganjar apologized for the incident.
"Kulo nyuwun ngapuro kalih panjenengan (I apologize to the father / mother) for what happened. That's why I came here directly. Second, I'm here to hear directly from the community about the existing problems. I also want to be grateful, because heard that there was an elder in Wadas village who had died, I wish you husnul khotimah," said Ganjar, starting the chat.
After listening to residents' complaints, Ganjar said he would follow up. A number of interested parties will be invited to dialogue regarding this matter.
"There are three things we will do after this meeting, first we will conduct a technical evaluation, the second method of approach and third is related to what has been a polemic, whether it is pro or con. and want to hear live," he said.
Asked about whether the residents demand to revoke the mining location permit, Ganjar said that this will be discussed technically.
"No, it's a technical issue that we have to talk about. It's not just about withdrawing or not withdrawing, but it's technical. That's what I said we will do a technical evaluation. All options still have a chance, that's why we're talking about it," he concluded.
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