JAKARTA – Besides being used for places of worship, mosques can also be a means of creativity for Muslims. This was conveyed by the Mayor of Pontianak, Edi Rusdi Kamtono.

"The existence of a mosque is really needed, especially for Muslims. Apart from being a means of worship, mosques also have a social function for the surrounding community," said Edi Rusdi Kamtono who is also the Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Pontianak City, Sunday, February 13.

He stated that the mosque administrators in managing the mosque were already better. However, he assessed that there are still some of them that need to be optimized in the management of mosques as places of worship.

"Especially with regard to cleanliness, tidiness, sound and air circulation," he said.

Edi added, in managing mosques, creativity and innovations are also needed, such as arranging recitation schedules, managing mosque finances and so on. Therefore, creative and innovative ideas are needed in developing mosque management.

"I can see that most of the mosques have transformed towards a more professional management with transparency," he said.

He also asked mosques which were considered very well managed, could pass on their knowledge to other mosque administrators. The mosque administrators are expected to make the congregation more comfortable and solemn in worship by providing maximum service.

If the public or the congregation feel that the mosque is a comfortable place of worship, moreover it is recommended and required to pray in congregation to get a great reward, then the congregation of the mosque should be crowded not only during Friday prayers or in the month of Ramadan, but also praying five times a day.

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