LAMPUNG - The chairman of the Golkar Party's DPP Advisory Council, Aburizal Bakrie, spoke about the importance of solidity and integrity among Golkar cadres at all levels ahead of the 2024 General Election.

This was stated at the Golkar Lampung Regional Work Meeting (Rakerda) forum which was attended by the DPP board, Golkar Lampung DPD and all district/city Golkar heads as well as the Golkar party wing organizations at the Graha Karya Utama Building, Bandar Lampung City, Saturday 12 February.

The man who is called ARB (Aburizal Bakrie) stated that Golkar must win in the 2024 election. Each cadre must take one breath, reclaim Golkar's glory to win the Pilleg, Pilkada, and Presidential elections.

According to him, the electability of the Golkar Party has been increasing. Likewise with the electability of the Golkar presidential candidate, which has been mutually agreed upon, namely Airlangga Hartarto.

"I will install my body, if there is an internal disturbance that interferes with Airlangga's candidacy as a Golkar candidate. Once again I emphasize that no one should play on other people's drums. It is better for us to play our own drums. So remember that, yes, we have to be solid, because we are solid we can achieve victory," said Aburizal.

Aburizal emphasized that the General Chair of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, must be fully supported. He hopes that negative issues, and attempts to divide the cadres and groups, should be avoided. Golkar will be strong when, all work together and fight.

"If there are issues that we are trying to develop, both internally and externally, secretly or openly, I say that person will confront me. I believe I am still influential," said the national businessman from Lampung. that.

Aburizal also stated that Airlangga was the only cadre owned by Golkar, and it was agreed to be carried forward for the presidential election. "Options, one. We won the Pilleg, the Presidential Election and the Regional Head Election," he added.

Likewise, the seats in the DPRD, at the provincial and central levels must be increased.

"The presidential and legislative elections are held before the regional head elections, we are fighting for the victory of the presidential candidate from the Golkar Party. We have to win in 2024 and I am optimistic," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto in his political speech was optimistic that the Golkar party would come out as the winner of the simultaneous General Elections (Pemilu) in 2024.

"It's been two decades for the Golkar Party, the number is always the second one. That's a very long time of 20 years. Therefore, I challenge all of us to win in 2024," said Airlangga.

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