AMBON - Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Lotharia Latif, said the government is currently working on peaceful reconciliation and rehabilitation after the Pelauw-Kariuw conflict, Haruku Island.

"We ask all parties to exercise restraint and put an end to provocative statements. Let us all focus on peaceful reconciliation there," said the Maluku Police Chief in Ambon, as reported by Antara, Thursday, February 11.

The Kapolda stated that all major problems can be resolved immediately if all parties are able to deal with them with calm minds and cold hearts.

"For the legal process, we will definitely carry it out, and it is currently underway," he stressed. The Regional Police Chief invites all parties to exercise restraint and stop unilateral statements that will undermine the current peace effort.

"Until when will the fighting continue, while other regions have advanced in developing their regions, improving the people's economy and the welfare of the people and future generations," he recalled.

The former East Nusa Tenggara Police Chief reminded again that the day after the conflict he and the Maluku Forkopimda had met Pelauw residents, as well as Kariu in Aboru. In fact, they have agreed to make peace, with various terms which are currently in process.

"The parties to the conflict have agreed to make peace, it's people outside of the related parties who actually create new problems," he explained.

He hopes that the issues currently being handled by the government, such as reconciliation, rehabilitation and relocation of the Kariuw residents and the police from the side of law enforcement, can be resolved soon.

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