BATU - The owner of the Good Morning Indonesia High School (SPI) in Batu City, East Java, Julianto Ekaputra alias JEP, is scheduled to undergo his first trial for a sexual crime case against his student. The trial will take place at the Malang District Court on February 16.

JEP is suspected of committing sexual crimes against dozens of his students. Not only that, he was also charged with the exploitation of students who were, on average, orphans.

The Head of the Intelligence Section of the Kejari Batu, Edi Sutomo, said that the preparation of the JEP indictment had been completed by 10 public prosecutors (JPU) from the East Java Prosecutor's Office and the Batu Attorney General's Office.

"10 public prosecutors have been appointed from the East Java Prosecutor's Office and the Batu Attorney General's Office to handle the case," said Edi, Thursday, February 10.

JEP will be charged with Article 81 in conjunction with Article 76D and/or Article 82 Article 76E of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code.

The trial will be chaired by Chief Justice Djuanto and member judge Harlina Rayes, Guntur Kurniawan. Meanwhile, the substitute clerk was Mohammad Nasir Jauhari.

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