JAKARTA - The Secretary-General of the PDI-P DPP Hasto Kristiyanto and former Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama Ali BTP, encourage young party cadres to fight in politics to ensure state policies that free the people from their problems.

Hasto and Basuki or familiarly called Ahok conveyed this when attending a webinar held by Banteng Muda Indonesia (BMI), in Jakarta, Wednesday 9 February. The theme of the activity is "Building a Generation of Mutual Cooperation in the Spirit of Diversity".

Hasto conveyed the message of General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. According to Hasto, Megawati left a message to young BMI cadres. That is a directive to reflect on what the real purpose of politics is.

"Ms. Megawati gave a message that politics is simple, politics is how we mobilize the power of the people who have aspirations, have dreams, have hopes. That manifests in their political support. So with that political power, we will realize public policies that can free the people from various problems," said Hasto.

"This means that PDIP's young cadres must aim to encourage state policies so that people send their children to the highest possible level of education, how to earn a decent living, get clothing, food, and shelter, as well as a better life expectancy in collective unity as the Indonesian nation," said Hasto.

Furthermore, according to Megawati's message, Hasto asked BMI cadres to learn from national figures such as Bung Karno and Bung Hatta. Because at the age of 16, for example, Bung Karno already had the dream of an independent Indonesia. And it begins with the critical question of why we were colonized at that time.

Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP Hasto Kristiyanto

"The dialectic was carried out when meeting with Mr. Marhaen, why is Mr. Marhaen poor even though he has land, he has a hoe, why is he poor. And there are millions of farmers like that," said Hasto.

"So young people think critically, like Bung Karno asking a question and looking for an answer."

“Learn from figures who have achieved achievements, Mr. Ahok, Mr. Anas, Banyuwangi Regent, Rudi Hartono, and Susi Susanti who are able to display our strengths in badminton. Also learn from those who won the Olympics in mathematics, physics, learn from those who are capable of becoming maestro of Indonesian culture. And everything is achieved by struggle. Without struggle, it is impossible to achieve goals," he concluded.

Meanwhile, BTP explained that when he became governor in Jakarta, he was happy even though the salary of state officials was small compared to being an entrepreneur. Ahok is known to work honestly, because he is motivated by the motivations of various figures, especially Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Like Mrs. Mega said, if we want to help the people, we use power for the people. We can't possibly use our own money, our own money won't be able to solve that. Entrepreneurs will not be able to help so many people. Entrepreneurs have limited money. So it must be with the state, so that the policies are pro-people," said BTP.

With the governorship, BTP admits that he can help people who are less able to meet their daily needs. Can make buses free for people who receive a minimum salary. Ahok can also provide flats with a rental fee of IDR 15 thousand per month for people in need.

“And I feel joy as an entrepreneur, not as big as when I become a state official who can serve and help the people. The joy of helping the people cannot be defeated by any kind of business as an entrepreneur," said Ahok.

Meanwhile, the Head of BMI, Mochamad Herviano, wished a happy Chinese New Year to Indonesian citizens of Chinese ethnicity, who are inseparable from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Those who continue to struggle to fill democratic spaces are moving together for a better Indonesia," said Herviano.

On that occasion, BMI also held a social action in the form of providing assistance to residents during the pandemic. One of them is the assistance of vitamins and medicines to journalists.

“This is a form of appreciation to the press who are always at the forefront. And in commemoration of the 2022 National Press Day," said Herviano.

"We wish you a happy national press day on February 9, how friends of the press are the fourth pillar of democracy in this beloved republic of Indonesia, continue to be a light," concluded Herviano.

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