BANTUL - Special Datasemen (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police searched the house of a suspected terrorist in the Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region.

"So it's true that there were arrests, some were secured, but in the Tegal Rejo area, Yogyakarta City, it was developed and a search was carried out at the suspect's house in the Kasihan area, Bantul", said Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan, quoted by Antara on Wednesday, February 9.

The Head of Bantul Police said that as a police institution in the district, his party only carried out security backups when there was a search by the Densus 88 Anti-terror Team in Kasihan Bantul, at around 08.00 WIB.

"We only "backup" the search activities, so those who carry out the searches of Densus 88, we only "backup" to anticipate things that are not wanted", he said.

According to the Police Chief, the suspected terrorist who was detained by Densus 88 in Tegal Rejo, Yogyakarta City, is indeed domiciled or residing in the Kasihan Bantul area, but is not registered as a resident of Bantul.

"The place of domicile, if the Yogyakarta ID card, the arrest in Tegal Rejo, we 'backup' the search. The number is one person, but we don't know the full details, please coordinate with Densus 88 Anti-terror, but for sure we will 'backup' search activities", he said.

During the search, said the Head of the Resort Police, several items were brought and secured by the Densus 88 Anti-terror Team, but his party did not know for sure what items were secured.

"We didn't see it earlier, because we are in the outer ring, we only 'backup' the security outside, which secures the Anti-terror Detachment 88", he said.

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