JAKARTA - Not only speaking in front of soldiers, now the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman, SE, MM, has the opportunity to give a public lecture to students and the academic community of Jenderal Achmad Yani University (Unjani), Cimahi, Wednesday 9 February. On that occasion he conveyed the importance of the 6D leadership strategy.
In his general lecture in front of the Unjani Academic Community, both face-to-face and online, the Army Chief of Staff said that to build a conducive, safe and comfortable environment, a strategic leadership style is needed, so a leader must build his capacity as a leader with 6D.
First, the leader must be RESPECTED, a respected leader, said the Army Chief of Staff, is a leader who dares to make decisions, because the leader shows every step of the way, sets an example and sets a good example so that he can develop the organization in a positive way. "The leader dares to make a decision, if the decision is correct, it is good, but if it is wrong, it is still better than not daring at all," said the Army Chief of Staff.

Both leaders must be Idolised, Idols because of their expertise, idols because what they do does not set bad examples. "No matter how small the good we do will be a ripple of goodness that never ends, but no matter how small the bad and bad things we do, it will be the next bad legacy that will come to us," he said.
The third leadership style is a leader who is AWESOME, meaning that the presence of a leader is eagerly awaited by its members, so that what happens to us is a picture of what we do and do to others.
Then said Dudung Abdurachman, a leader must be LOVED, where a good leader leads with a heart, is gentle to members, with love and compassion. Don't have too much dialogue and discussion for the sake of the nation and state, but do it. "A good leader is a leader who is loved by his subordinates, but it is even greater if the leader loves his subordinates," he said.
Furthermore, the leader must be DESIRED, meaning that his presence is always awaited, being a cooler in every situation. The leader who is rooted in the Soldier's life, because he knows where he came from.

Finally, the Army Chief of Staff said, a leader must be an EXPECTED leader, meaning that the success of the leaders in moving the wheels of the organization through the decisions taken cannot be separated from the attitude of members or subordinates towards the decision.
"The leader must have 4 main characteristics, he must have imagination, innovation, vision and mission, and he must have aspirations and hopes, if you don't have all of these, then being a leader is mediocre," said the Army Chief of Staff.
On this occasion, apart from providing education, the Army Chief of Staff also advised all participants who were present to always do good to others and never sow the slightest hatred towards others. "Happy people are not necessarily generous, but I haven't seen a generous person who is not happy, he must be happy," the Army Chief of Staff said.
Meanwhile, Unjani Chancellor Hikmahanto Juwana in his speech conveyed three basic things in order to improve Unjani's existence in the field of education, among them, first, Hikmahanto hoped that Unjani graduates would get priority to become members of the Indonesian Army through the SEPA PK TNI recruitment. Second, Unjani can be used as a place to educate active Indonesian Army soldiers in order to improve human resource capabilities within the Indonesian Army, and third, he said, the Indonesian Army can provide a place for Unjani students to do internships, so that if there are students who want to become TNI AD, they are ready. familiar with the TNI AD work environment.
"We want to catch up with us (Unjani) based on these three things, if we have a difference with other universities, we believe that in the future we will be able to compete with them," said Hikmahanto.
When KSAD Dudung Abdurachman gave a public lecture, the chairman of the Kartika Eka Paksi Foundation (YKEP) board, Wadan Kodiklatad, Danpussenarmed Kodiklatad, Aspers KSAD, Kasdam III/Siliwangi, Forkopimda City of Cimahi and the Unjani Academic Community.
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