GARUT - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Garut Regency, West Java said that the earthquake activity on Mount Guntur, one of the active volcanoes in Garut, was under normal conditions, as well as the temperature of the crater and hot water below normal levels.

"The condition of Mount Guntur is currently in normal condition from February 1 to February 8 (2022) there are four vibration records, while normally in one month there are 24 to 30 vibration records," said Head of BPBD Garut Regency Satria Budi through a press release. reported from Antara, Wednesday, February 9.

He said that the normal condition of the active volcano was based on the report of the guard officer of the Guntur Mountain Observation Post from visual observations. Then the observation of the instrument using sensors at four observation stations.

Furthermore, observation of information by observing changes in magma using a special tool installed on the mountain, then geochemical observations by measuring the temperature of the crater and hot water.

"The temperature of the crater in its normal position is around 60 to 80 degrees Celsius. While checking the temperature of hot water regularly, the average temperature under normal conditions is 36 to 46 degrees Celsius," he said.

He conveyed the information from the Guntur Mountain Observation Post to ascertain the source of the rumbling sound that had been heard by many people around the foot of the mountain. The results of the information, said Satria, ensure that it is not from an active mountain activity, so that residents do not have to worry about the condition of Mount Guntur.

"Regarding the rumbling sound, after coordinating with related parties it is estimated that the rumbling sound comes from routines in the Kamojang geothermal area, but because the wind is quite strong towards the foot of Mount Guntur, the rumbling sound becomes clearer," he said.

He appealed to the public to remain calm and always get information regarding the condition of Mount Guntur from official institutions and local governments.

"If there are important matters related to Mount Guntur, the officers at the Observation Post always coordinate with the relevant agencies within 24 hours," he said.

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