JAKARTA - Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, expressed his high appreciation to every press member who celebrates National Press Day (HPN) on February 9, 2022.

Airlangga admitted that the existence of the press is an important foundation for safeguarding democracy and freedom of expression in the country.

The chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) praised the role of the press in fighting hoaxes or fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This role is very important so that the public receives accurate and accountable information.

"On behalf of all ranks of the Golkar Party and those who are handling the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to thank the press throughout the country. The existence of press products saves the public from hoaxes related to Covid-19. The press directly helps deal with the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia," said Airlangga in an official statement, Wednesday, February 9.

Airlangga said, based on government records, hoaxes related to massive COVID-19 were spread through short message applications and social media.

Although, the spread is very fast, press products are still a reference for the public to obtain information related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This year, said Airlangga, HPN is still being celebrated in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The chairman of KPCPEN apologizes that the HPN cannot be held as lively as before the pandemic. Airlangga hopes that the 2022 HPN will still be held solemnly and meaningfully.

"We hope that the peak of the HPN celebration will run smoothly and all members of the press will continue to play a role in helping to overcome the pandemic through professional, balanced, and encouraging journalistic products," said Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs added that currently Indonesia is heading towards the peak of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The press, through its network and power, continues to voice optimism to the public.

He admitted that he needed cooperation and mutual assistance from all parties so that the third wave would not have a bad impact in the country.

"Let's work together to overcome the pandemic. The government with its policies, the community with its process discipline, the press with its positive journalism. With that, we hope to escape the bad impact of the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic," said Airlangga.

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