JAKARTA - The viral video of a skinny tiger on social media makes netizens sad and angry. This tiger was in good health.

This affirmation was conveyed by the management representative of Maharani Zoo & Goa, Lamongan, East Java, responding to the viral video of the tiger's animal collection. To VOI, Maharani Zoo's management confirmed that the Sumatran tiger was in good health.

"For information, the tiger in the video is in good health. We continue to provide nutrition every day as usual (5-6 kg of meat) according to animal nutrition standards and there is no reduction in the number of portions, ”said the management representative of Maharani Zoo in a written statement, Tuesday, September 8.

The skinny tiger whose viral video is named Baksi, is 14 years old. While at Maharani Zoo, Baksi management said that they succeeded in fertilizing 3 females.

So why does the Baksi tiger look so thin? Maharani Zoo's management has an answer.

“The posture of the Sumatran tiger is indeed smaller, especially when the video was taken from a height of 6-8 meters. Later there will be clarifications from veterinarians and BKSDA, "explained Maharani Zoo management.

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