JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, appealed to the public not to panic with the recent increase in COVID-19 cases. However, the public is asked to continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

The appeal was conveyed by General Listyo Sigit while reviewing the acceleration of vaccination acceleration throughout Indonesia by attending in person at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium, Bekasi City, West Java, Tuesday, February 8.

"People don't need to panic and then be disturbed. But how then can we increase vigilance, carry out vaccinations for those who are on time. And continue to obey and be disciplined in implementing health protocols", said Sigit.

In addition, Sigit also reminded the public with a message from Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Where maximizing the vaccination program is one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"I want to remind the President's message when he directly led the Video Conference with all local governments with all of his colleagues. I would like to remind you that, one of the priority steps taken is how in the period of one or two weeks, acceleration of vaccination really maximized", said Sigit.

"Especially regarding our elderly relatives. Of course, this requires a strategy. Because indeed some need an approach by visiting directly, because of the geographical situation, which of course needs to be faced by colleagues", he continued.

Not only that, but Sigit also reminded all parties who are at the forefront in handling and controlling COVID-19 to continue to disseminate information to the public about the importance of vaccination. Especially for residents who have not been vaccinated and who have passed the six-month period from the second vaccine to get a booster.

"However, the most important thing is to socialize again to the public to immediately carry out vaccinations, especially those who have not been vaccinated. And for those who have not been vaccinated, remind them. Because it has been conveyed earlier, even if you have been vaccinated twice, the booster can still get the Omicron variant", said Sigit.

Vaccination continued Sigit, can increase immunity and reduce fatalities for someone who is infected with COVID-19. This is because, based on data from the Ministry of Health, cases of death are dominated by people who have not received vaccinations and the elderly group who has comorbidities.

"Of course, with colleagues who have all carried out the vaccine, the fatality rate will be very far. Previously, the Minister of Health has conveyed the data on the average death that has not been vaccinated and the elderly are comorbid. That is the priority", said Sigit.

Furthermore, Sigit also asked the community to be more disciplined in implementing the prokes. If necessary, use a two-layer or double mask.

"Then the problem of using masks, please be reminded again. If necessary, in locations where there are crowds wear double masks. Because this is important, it becomes a source of transmission when masks are not used. It will happen. We know that transmission is very fast. So that the discipline of using masks, please increase it again", said Sigit.

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