JAKARTA - Deputy Mayor of Central Jakarta, Irwandi, asked all COVID-19 posts at the RW level in eight sub-districts in Central Jakarta to be reactivated.

"The result of the meeting is that all RW posts, which number approximately 1000, must be reactivated. This is considering the current increase in COVID-19 cases," Irwandi told reporters, Tuesday, February 8.

Irwandi said that the activation of the post will serve to remind residents of the need for discipline in health protocols (prokes). Like wearing a good mask, not crowding, always washing your hands diligently.

"The command post will later guard the COVID-19 task force officers from the urban village, police and TNI," said Irwandi.

Irwandi told all village heads and sub-district heads in Central Jakarta to immediately re-establish the COVID-19 post at the RW level. The reason is that with the high number of COVID-19 cases, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, will visit the location.

"Usually, the governor will review the area, yes, if the post is empty it's not good. That's why at the post there must be village and sub-district task force officers," he said.

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