GORONTALO - The Health Office (Dinkes) of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province, has confirmed that there is no expired vaccine in the area.

"We all order, pick up or deliver according to requests and needs through the Pharmacy Installation of the Provincial Health Office. This is to prevent vaccines from expiring," said Head of North Gorontalo Health Office Rizal Yusuf Kune in Gorontalo, Antara, Monday, February 7.

In fact, he said, the demand for vaccines for the region tends to be mediocre in anticipation of the vaccine's expiration. "If there is a shortage, we will only ask the provincial health office. Because it is better if the amount of vaccine is as needed so that it does not expire, it is stored in this area," he said.

To date, the number of available Sinovac vaccines has reached 3,800 doses, while Pfizer has 486 doses. While the Moderna vaccine is still empty. "Indeed, for Moderna nationally, there is a shortage of stock," he said.

As a result, the dose 2 vaccination using Moderna had to be discontinued because the recipient of the dose 1 vaccine had to receive the same type for dose 2.

Currently, he said, the local government is temporarily prioritizing the implementation of dose 1 vaccination for school children. In fact, according to President Joko Widodo's direction, it is hoped that the acceleration of vaccination for school children and the elderly (elderly) is expected to reach a minimum of 70 percent.

Vaccination for the elderly in this area has only reached 64 percent of the total target of 7,522 people. "We continue to strive to improve the achievement of the minimum target," he said.

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