JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) closed in the red zone in early trading week. JCI closed down 0.18 percent or 9.66 points to 5,230.20.

Closing the trade, 189 stocks rose, 222 stocks fell, and 179 stocks remained unchanged. The trading volume was recorded at 9.88 billion shares and was transacted for IDR 6.07 trillion.

Binaartha Sekuritas analyst, M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama said, the JCI was still red due to factors from the increasing trend of COVID-19 cases both domestically and globally.

"Apart from that, there is also a sentiment of increasing tensions in the bilateral relationship between the US and China," Nafan told VOI.

Today, the stocks most sold by foreign investors are PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA), and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI), and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI).

BBCA shares were sold as many as 14.14 million shares with a transaction value of Rp257.53 billion. Meanwhile, BBRI sold 95.97 million shares and transacted Rp9384 billion.

Meanwhile, BMRI, whose CEO (Royke Tumilaar) recently left, sold 56.62 million shares of foreign investors with a transaction value of IDR85.81 billion.

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