BEKASI - Residents of Balongtua Village, Sukabakti Village, Tambelang District, Bekasi Regency, West Java, were shocked to find something similar to a grenade complete with the trigger still attached.

The grenade-like object was first discovered by residents in Kali Jute on Friday at 17.30 WIB. Instantly this finding also made local residents excited because they wanted to see the object firsthand.

"There was the discovery of a grenade-like object before sunset, many residents came to confirm it," said local resident Alung (33) as quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

According to Alung's confession, none of the residents knew for sure the type of object that was the size of a small bottle of mineral water.

"Residents do not know and have never seen the object before. Moreover, this is in a village area, when there are objects like this," he said.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tambelang Police, Ipda Hariyono, who visited the location confirmed the findings. Based on the results of a temporary inspection of the location of the discovery, the object is strongly suspected to be a type of tear gas grenade.

"Yes, it was a tear gas grenade, found by residents around Kali Jute," he said.

According to him the object is not dangerous. The so-called tear gas grenade was then taken to the Tambelang Police Headquarters for further investigation.

"Currently, his position has been taken to the police station. It is harmless, it hurts the eyes the most. It is possible that the object has been around for a long time," he said.

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