JAKARTA - Head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the proposal of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan for providing bicycle lanes on toll roads had been followed up and finalized.

"Currently, we are continuing to conduct studies to finalize the plan (for the bicycle lane on the toll road)," said Syafrin to reporters, Sunday, September 6.

Syafrin said, the next step taken by the DKI Transportation Agency was to create a transportation software-based simulation or digital-based transportation system modeling.

"The Department of Transportation is currently conducting simulations through transportation software. Hopefully, on Wednesday tomorrow, the results of this simulation will be presented to existing stakeholders to make policies related to implementation," said Syafrin.

It was previously known that Anies submitted a proposal to the PUPR Minister so that sport bikes could enter the toll road every Sunday from 06.00-09.00 WIB.

The proposed inner-city toll roads, starting from the Kebon Nanas Toll Gate to the direction of Tanjung Priok, use one side of the road.

To support the safety of racing cyclists who will enter the toll road, the special bicycle lane will be limited to using a traffic cone. That way, other vehicles cannot enter this special bicycle road.

However, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Sport Bicycle Association (ISSI) Community Division, Toto, stated that he did not agree with the proposal to provide a special bicycle lane for racing (road bikes) on the toll road that Anies had thrown.

"We strongly disagree with the provision of bicycle lanes on inner-city toll roads. Don't make strange policies," said Toto when contacted by VOI.

Toto is concerned about the safety supervision for cyclists if the bicycle lane is made on one lane and is only limited by traffic cones.

This is because motorized vehicles on toll roads often travel at high speeds. Moreover, car accidents on the freeway are still common.

"If it is only limited to cones, it is tantamount to an attempt to massacre the bicycle users. If the car driver makes mistakes and is not aware of a bicycle lane, it is very risky to have an accident," he added.

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