TANGERANG - Head of the Publication and Information Legal Installation at the Tangerang District Hospital Hilwani said the availability of mattresses for the Tangerang District Hospital was full. This happens because the mattress provided in its place is only a little.

He added that his party provided 43 mattresses for COVID-19 patients. Then 37 mattresses have been used.

"Actually, there used to be 164 mattresses during the second wave. Then at last there were no patients. So, we will use this 164 for other treatments. Of the 43 beds filled 37. So actually if you say full, yes full capacity. (Because) we just opened a little bit,” said Hilwani when confirmed, Friday, February 4.

Hilwani confirmed that he would convert ordinary mattresses into special COVID-19 mattresses, if there was an increase in patients.

"If the number of visits increases, we will use the others. (So) we will gradually increase our capacity," he said.

Regarding health workers (Nakes) will not make additions. According to him, the current symptoms of COVID-19 are relatively mild.

"It is possible that we will not add volunteers, especially now that the symptoms are relatively mild. There will probably be no more volunteers," he said.

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