SURABAYA - Tubagus Muhammad Jody (TMJ), artist driver Vanessa Angel, is again undergoing a follow-up trial at the Jombang Regency District Court, East Java. The Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented five witnesses in this trial related to the case of artist Vanessa Angel's deadly accident.

"The five witnesses consist of police officers, toll road officers, and the local community, who are aware of the deadly accident," said Public Prosecutor Adi Prasetyo, Thursday, February 3.

The five witnesses were Bripka Broto from the Sat PJR Polda East Java, M. Ramdan Rosidin, Yanuar, Budi Hermawan, a toll road officer, and Ansori, a local resident. Adi hopes the five witnesses will explain what is known about the accident.

"So, these five witnesses will explain their knowledge regarding the fatal accident, which involved the defendant Joddy, the driver of Vanessa Angel," he said.

It is explained in the indictment that, apart from Tubagus Joddy, in the car were Vanessa Angel, her husband, Febri, who is familiarly called Bibi, Gala Sky Andriansyah (one year, seven months) and Gala's caregiver, Siska Lorensa (21).

Vanessa and her family departed from Jakarta, driving a white Pajero Sport car with the police number B-1264-BJU to Surabaya.

The group stopped several times at the rest area because Febri was sleepy and asked Tubagus to replace driving the car.

While driving, Tubagus also made a status update on his Instagram story and replied to WhatsApp telling his parents that he was still driving the car.

In addition, when driving a car Tubagus also does not pay attention to the speed limit. At that time, the speed limit was up to 125 kilometers per hour, whereas the maximum speed limit was 80 km/hour and the minimum was 60 km/hour.

Tubagus is also known to be sleepy while driving the car, but did not stop his vehicle until the car he was driving had an accident at KM 672+400A Astra Toll Jomo on Thursday, November 4 at around 12.30 WIB.

"At that time, the defendant was driving the car and was very sleepy. At 125 km/h he lost control. He swerved to the left and hit the road divider causing the car to turn in two directions and stop in the opposite direction. The defendant realized that he had exceeded the maximum limit. as well as playing with cell phones. Playing is a dangerous act, but still doing it, "said Prosecutor Adi Prasetyo.

As a result of the incident, two people died, namely Vanessa and her husband. Meanwhile, Gala and her caregivers, including the defendant Tubagus, were also injured.

In the virtual session, the prosecutor charged under Article 311 paragraph 5 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, then Article 311 paragraph 3 of Law No. 22 of 2009.

In addition, there are also Article 310 paragraph 4 of Law No. 22 of 2009 and Article 310 paragraph 3 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

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