JAKARTA - Dozens of residents are willing to queue to buy cheap cooking oil which was held at the Kramat Jati Market yard, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 3. Residents who bring jerry cans from their homes buy oil in large quantities.

Based on VOI monitoring at the location, the cooking oil sold was in a tank car. Residents looked orderly in line while holding jerry cans to collect oil when making purchases.

People queue at Kramat Jati Market to buy cheap cooking oil/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

The sale of cheap oil received appreciation from the people who were queuing up. One of them is from Fatimah, a buyer of cheap oil.

"I bought 15 liters but bought a jerry can first. It's delicious, it's not bad (it helps)," said Fatimah at Kramat Jati Market, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 3.

Residents feel very helped by the policy of selling cheap oil. In fact, some of them brought more than one jerry can and queued for a long time.

As is known, the price per liter of cooking oil is sold at Rp. 10,500. Fatimah said that she was greatly helped by this cheap cooking oil policy. The reason is, previously the price of cooking oil soared sharply to burden the community and small traders.

People queue at Kramat Jati Market to buy cheap cooking oil/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

"The price is high, I used to buy Rp. 20,000 a liter. It's better like this, it's cheap," he said.

Residents hope that this policy will continue to help residents meet their basic needs.

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