JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan proposed to the central government to consider the PPKM level assessment in Jakarta to implement PPKM Level 3.

This was conveyed by the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria. Riza said that this proposal was the result of a meeting of the DKI Provincial Government led by Anies today.

"We will coordinate with the central government regarding the PPKM level. We need to consider whether to stay at Level 2 or Level 3," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Wednesday, January 2.

Riza revealed that the position of the DKI Provincial Government was only limited to proposing a policy of tightening community mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the decision rests with the central government.

Moreover, the PPKM level assessment in Jakarta must be in sync with the buffer zones, namely Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi as one agglomeration area.

"It can't be unilateral. The provincial government suggested the need for an increase (the PPKM level), but we will discuss everything. We are not alone, we will see West Java, Banten, other areas, there is interaction, they are interconnected," he said. today there were 9,132 additional cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta. Then, there are currently 41,974 active cases of COVID-19 who are still being treated or isolated.

It is noted that the transmission of the Omicron variant is now also increasing in Jakarta. Of the 3,027 infected people, 1,696 people were overseas travelers, while the other 1,331 were local transmissions.

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