JAKARTA - Soon, Indonesia will hold a democracy party, the 2024 general election. Acting (Plt.) Head of the Political Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Athiqah Nur Alami stated that it was important to increase political literacy among the public in welcoming the General Election. 2024.

"I think that increasing political literacy among the public, both digitally in mass media and social media, is crucial to do," said Athiqah.

He made this statement when giving an introduction to a public discussion entitled "INDONESIA POLITICAL OUTLOOK: Projections of Democracy and Political Dynamics 2022" which was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Political Research Center - BRIN, and monitored from Jakarta, Wednesday 2 February.

Pemilu 20424. (ilustrasi Antara)
Election 20424. (Illustration Between)

Although voting for the general election will take place in 2024, to be precise on February 14, 2024 in accordance with the decision of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Athiqah reminded that the election phase will begin in August 2022.

"There is registration and determination of political parties, then there is the determination of electoral districts, the determination of pairs of presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates, to the campaigns of candidates," he said.

Seeing the various stages of the election which will begin in 2022, Athiqah is of the view that 2022 will begin to be noisy with contestation, competition, and maneuvers from various political parties and political elites to raise the image of each party and gain public support.

Athiqah Nur Alami. (foto Antara)
Athiqah Nur Alami. (Intermediate photo)

In these various contestations, said Athiqah, there is a possibility that various political issues will be colored, such as the issue of corruption, the issue of money politics, and various other issues that have the potential to injure democratic life in Indonesia.

Therefore, he emphasized the importance of increasing political literacy for the community to anticipate various issues that would emerge on social media.

"This is in line with the characteristics of democratic values which are dynamic and changing, according to the times, so we really need to continue to convey these democratic values from generation to generation," said Athiqah.

Athiqah Nur Alami hopes that political education for the community can create a healthy democratic life and create an intelligent and mature Indonesian society in politics. Especially on the momentum of the 2024 election.

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