JAKARTA - A man named Marhadi tried to end his life by setting himself on fire in the Naterman area, Jatijajar, Tapos, Depok, West Java, Sunday, January 30, evening.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cimanggis Police, Iptu Hendra, said that based on witness statements, Marhadi bought gasoline and then sat on the side of the road.

"Then he poured gasoline and set himself on fire. Finally, he was taken to Kramat Jati Hospital for treatment," Kanit told reporters, Monday, January 31.

Currently, the Cimanggis Police are still searching for the victim's family.

"We are also still looking for his family. (victim) Yes, it's a bit stressful, but we don't know his family, we have to ask first. Age (victim) is 45 years old," he said.

Meanwhile, M's motive for committing self-immolation is still under police investigation.

"We don't know why yet, it's just that we suspect he's a bit disturbed. A bit stressed, a bit absent-minded," he said.

As a result of the self-immolation incident, M suffered burns reaching 70 percent on the head.

"He is being treated while we are looking for his family. But he still realizes that he is just not getting along when asked," said Kanit.

As previously reported, Janson Situmorang, a retail gasoline seller at the scene, said the victim initially bought two bottles of gasoline. However, said Janson, the money had not been given and the perpetrator immediately ran away.

Janson admitted that he had chased the victim. But Janson's steps stopped when he saw the victim doused gasoline on his own body.

"It was like committing suicide, when he burned his body, I ran," said Janson Situmorang at the scene to reporters, Sunday, January 30.

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