JAKARTA - Secretary of the PPP faction of the DPR RI, Achmad Baidowi, asked the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) to disclose data related to 198 Islamic boarding schools which the agency said were affiliated with terrorist organizations. "Transparency of the data is important to avoid suspicion between fellow Islamic boarding schools that can disrupt the continuity of education at the institution," Baidowi said in a statement in Jakarta, Monday, January 31. In fact, according to him, the fact is that the majority of Islamic boarding schools teach Islam Rahmatan lil'alamin or Islam is a blessing for the entire universe, not terrorism. hundreds of years of serving the community in order to increase the intelligence of the people, long before Indonesia's independence.

Previously, BNPT Director of Prevention Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid in his statement received in Jakarta, Sunday (30/1) explained about the Head of BNPT Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar who said there were 198 Islamic boarding schools indicated to be affiliated with terrorist networks. Head of BNPT Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar mentioned this in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission III of the DPR RI, Tuesday (25/1). This statement was immediately responded to by a small number of people by generalizing as if BNPT was anti-Islamic boarding school, some even accused it of an Islamophobic narrative. this needs to be clarified so that people don't get carried away by narratives that always frame various policies to increase early detection and alertness in a negative sense," said Ahmad. institution in front of the members of the council who have the task of preventing radical terrorism. He explained the data is the result of mapping and monitoring work in the context of preventing radical terrorism. This is to provide a warning and increase awareness for all stakeholders. Moreover, said Nurwakhid as the coordinating agency, BNPT has implemented a "pentahelix" or multi-stakeholder policy and strategy by embracing and involving the five elements of the nation. , the community through community organizations including Islamic boarding schools, academics through the involvement of lecturers, students and students.

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