JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) stated that the government is currently drafting 10 derivative regulations from the National Capital City Law (UU IKN), in the form of government regulations, presidential regulations, presidential decrees, and regulations for the head of the IKN Authority.

KSP Main Expert Wandy Tuturoong in a press release in Jakarta, Monday, said that the preparation of the 10 derivative regulations was carried out after the government received the text of the IKN Law on Thursday (27/1).

"The ten derivative regulations include three PPs (government regulations), five Perpres (presidential regulations), one Presidential Decree (presidential decree), and one regulation by the head of the IKN Authority," said Wandy.

Wandy explained several derivative regulations that were set forth in the form of a presidential regulation, including the structure and procedures for administering regional government specifically for IKN, preparation for development and transfer of IKN. In addition, there will also be a presidential regulation that regulates the organizational structure, duties, authorities and work procedures of the IKN Authority.

"When it comes to costs or the budget, it will be regulated in a government regulation regarding funding for preparation for the development and transfer of IKN as well as the implementation of special regional government for IKN," explained Wandy.

He said that the government is targeting the preparation of derivative regulations of the IKN Law to be completed within two months since the ratification of the IKN Law on January 18, 2022.

"The time span is 2 months since the IKN Law was passed. The draft from the DPR is currently being tidied up and given the law number," said Wandy.

Previously, the DPR in the 13th DPR RI Plenary Meeting for Session III 2021-2022, Tuesday (18/1) approved the Draft Law (RUU) for the State Capital (IKN) to be ratified into law.

Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said the nation's capital on the island of Kalimantan will be named Nusantara.

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