JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito said that currently the number of additional COVID-19 cases in West and East Java tends to increase.

Based on existing data, Wiku said, as of September 2, the number of cumulative cases of COVID-19 in West Java Province reached 11,481 with active cases of 42.83 percent or 4,866.

The number of recovered cases currently has reached 55.21 percent or 6,399 cases and the number of cases of death due to COVID-19 has reached 2.4 percent or 276 cases.

"With this figure, active cases in West Java are still high compared to the percentage of active cases nationally, namely 24.1 percent. Meanwhile, West Java cured cases are also still below the national figure, namely 71.6 percent," Wiku said in a press conference broadcast on Monday. the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Thursday, September 3.

He then explained that the highest number of cases currently was in Depok City with 1,764 cases, Bekasi City with 1,626 cases, and Bekasi Regency 1,105 cases.

Meanwhile, the highest cumulative number of deaths was in Depok City with 51 cases, Bandung City 45 cases, Bekasi District 33 cases, Bekasi City 29 cases, and Bogor City 25 cases.

"Meanwhile, the highest number of recovered cases is also in Depok City, Bekasi City, Bandung City, Bekasi Regency and Bandung Regency," said Wiku.

"We ask the West Java Provincial Government to continue to suppress active cases at least the same as the national case, namely 24.1 percent and increase the recovery to at least equal to the national recovery, namely 71.6 percent and maintain or reduce the percentage of deaths to keep it low with early detection and treatment. case earlier, "continued Wiku.

Apart from West Java, Wiku said that an increase in COVID-19 cases also occurred in East Java Province. "In general, the cases of COVID-19 in East Java have fluctuated but tend to continue to increase," he said.

As of September 2, the accumulated number of cases in East Java Province reached 34,278 with active cases of 14.8 percent or 5,076. Meanwhile, the current recovery rate has reached 78.11 percent or 26,777 cases and the number of COVID-19 cases that have died is only around 7.07 percent or 2,425 cases.

"With this figure, active cases in East Java are included in the provinces with low active cases. It is lower than the national active case percentage, which is 24.1 percent. Cured cases in East Java are also high with 78.11 percent. However, death cases need to be a concern. because the figure is quite high at 7.07 percent, "said Wiku.

The regencies / cities with the highest number of COVID-19 cases in East Java are occupied by Surabaya City with a total of 12,122 cases, Sidoarjo Regency 4,951 cases, and Gresik Regency 2,560 cases.

Meanwhile, the highest number of deaths occurred in Surabaya with 1,014 cases, Sidoarjo Regency with 246 cases, Gresik Regency with 185 cases, Pasuruan Regency with 81 cases, and Malang City with 73 cases.

The most recovered cases in East Java are occupied by the City of Surabaya, Sidoarjo Regency, Gresik Regency, Pasuruan Regency and Malang City.

"The local government, especially the city of Surabaya, please pay attention to the implementation of health protocols, encouraging the entire community to be disciplined, to implement health protocols so that the number of cases can be reduced," concluded Wiku.

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