Uncle Bobby Nasution Suddenly Resigns From The Nomination For Regent Of Tapsel
Illustrated / VOI

MEDAN - Bobby Nasution's uncle, Doli Sinomba Siregar suddenly decided to resign from the candidacy for the Regent of South Tapanuli (Tapsel), North Sumatra. The family was said to be the reason Doli canceled her intention to compete in the Pilkada.

Doli's decision to resign was first known from a post on his Facebook account on Thursday, September 3 morning. When confirmed, Doli confirmed.

"Yes, that's right," said Doli confirmed by VOI, Thursday, September 3.

This uncle Bobby Nasution resigned from the nomination for regent at the request of his family. Doli emphasized that there was no interference or pressure from any party.

"I was asked by my family to resign, there was no interference and pressure from other parties. This is purely a family request," he said.

In his candidacy in the Tapsel Pilkada, Doli has received official support from 2 parties, namely Hanura and NasDem.

"There have been 2 parties, Hanura and Nasdem. It is enough to advance and more than 20 percent," said Doli.

Because he resigned from the candidacy, Doli returned the decision to replace himself in the Tapsel Pilkada to two supporting parties.

"I will return it, of course, to the DPP. It depends on where the DPP wants to direct it," he said.

In his post, Doli revealed all the requirements that had been met to advance in the Pilkada. Even Doli was supposed to register his candidacy with the local KPU on September 4.

"To all parties who have worked day and night for this purpose, I apologize profusely and I thank you infinitely," said Doli.

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