JAKARTA - The head of Edy Mulyadi's team of lawyers, Herman Kadir, said that his client was terrorized after viral allegations of hate speech about Kalimantan where the genie dumped their child. Threats are made through social media.

"On WhatsApp-WhatsaApp (received terror, ed)," Herman told reporters, Friday, January 28.

According to him, Edy Mulyadi received terror almost every day. This terror has an impact on Edy Mulyadi's discomfort

"Until Mr. Edy, two of his cellphone numbers were turned off. Don't dare, every day someone calls him a thousand people," he said.

According to Herman, threats were carried out by sending narrations to videos. Everything that lawyer Edy Mulyadi said contained elements of violence.

"He wants to cut the pig, he's already cut the rabbit, it was conveyed, sir. Don't worry, there are WhatsApp videos, the threats," he said.

Today, Edy Mulyadi was not present at the summons for examination. Edy Mulyadi is being investigated for alleged hate speech.

Edy Mulyadi is suspected of insulting all Kalimantan residents because of his statement about the 'place for the genie to dump children'.

However, after being crowded, the secretary general of the National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) Ulama also straightened the context of the sentence. According to him, the term is commonly used by residents of Jakarta to describe a remote location.

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