CIANJUR - The Cianjur Health Service, West Java, said that early childhood education (PAUD) students who died were not due to vaccination but because of a history of brain infection. This is known through an audit conducted by the National Commission for Post-Immunization Adverse Events (Komnas KIPI).

"The temporary conclusion from the results of the Komnas KIPI audit, the student died not because of vaccination but an infection in the brain. However, we only received these results verbally from Komnas KIPI," said Secretary of the Cianjur Health Office, Dr. Yusman Faisal when contacted in Cianjur, quoted from Antara. , Thursday, January 27.

Komnas KIPI has conducted an audit of students from Pasirkuda District a few days ago. A written report will be obtained by his side in the next few days.

"So parents should not be afraid if their child gets vaccinated, as long as the child is in good health and does not have an acute illness. So far, there is little chance of AEFI against vaccine recipients," he said.

Previously, the Cianjur Health Service was still waiting for the results of the investigation and deepening from the West Java KIPI Komda and the KIPI National Commission, regarding the death of PAUD students in Cianjur, after receiving vaccinations on behalf of ZL (6.5) a few days ago.

The head of the Cianjur Health Office, Irvan Nur Fauzy, added that the West Java KIPI Komda had investigated the death of PAUD students in Pasirkuda District, but his party had not yet received a report.

"The West Java KIPI Komda has investigated the case of the student's death. We have not received any official information or developments from the results of the investigation, such as a verbal autopsy from parties suspected of being involved in the case, including his family," said Irvan.

He explained that the initial actions taken for children were different from adults before getting vaccinated, but his party only found out that the student had a history of illness, while those related to other diseases were waiting for the results of the investigation.

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