PDIP Fraction Pessimistic Formula E Can Be Implemented, PAN Fraction: Don't Incite Public

JAKARTA - Formula E's new problem with the uncertainty of sponsors and the repeated auction of the circuit construction tender has made the PDIP faction of the DKI Regional House of Representatives pessimistic that this electric car racing event can be carried out properly.

In response to this, the chairman of the PAN faction of the DKI Regional House of Representatives, Bambang Kusumanto, asked all parties, including the PDIP, not to incite the public with narratives of doubt about the implementation of Formula E.

"Towards the day of the 2022 Jakarta E-Prix, there is a lot of news about the failed tender auction. Some ask questions, some are concerned about the limited time. Don't provoke the public to reject the event that is still being carried out", Bambang told reporters, Thursday, January 27.

Bambang said that just because his statement failed in the tender, PDIP did not need to lead public opinion as to if Formula E was bound to fail. This is because the DKI Provincial Government is still carrying out the process of implementing Formula E.

"We should have given the opportunity first, encourage. If political tensions in Jakarta continue like this, investors will be afraid, tourists will feel uncomfortable. They say they want Jakarta to progress, want the economy to improve, let's support it, give input that makes this event even better", he said.

Previously, the chairman of the DKI Regional House of Representatives, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, was pessimistic that Formula E could be held when there were only four months left, the sponsors had not yet entered, the tender had not been decided, and the circuit had not yet been built.

As Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Mandalika Circuit for MotoGP, Prasetyo views that the construction of the circuit from February to April as the target of PT Jakarta Propertindo BUMD is irrational.

"I'm an Advisor Consultant to Mandalika, I know. Making a race track is not like making a Tamiya track. It's irrational to build 3 months. The rationale is 2 years, boss. It has to be mature", said Prasetyo.

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