JAKARTA - Four fish traders in Muara Engke, Pejaringan, North Jakarta were caught playing card gambling. The head of the Sunda Kelapa Police, Kompol Seto Handoko, said the arrest took place on Tuesday, January 25, at 07.00 WIB.

“Four workers are advertising traders at the fish auction market in Maura Angke. So that morning it was over, it was fun for him to play," said Seto when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, January 26.

Seto said that initially the four suspects, AR, MU and SU and KA, finished selling fish. Then, they played playing card games at a kiosk in Pejaringan, North Jakarta. They make bets ranging from Rp. 5 thousand to Rp. 20 thousand.

"In this gambling game, the suspects may get an advantage based on the luck of the game," he said.

After receiving the report, the police immediately moved quickly to secure the four fish traders.

"The evidence is 1 set of playing cards and cash from gambling amounting to Rp.490,000, "he said.

Now the four perpetrators must be languishing in the Sunda Kelapa Police. They are suspected of Article 303 paragraph 1 of the 2nd Criminal Code or Article 303 paragraph 1 of the 1st Criminal Code with a threat of 4 years in prison.

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