JAKARTA – Two youths from Utan Kayu Selatan, Matraman, East Jakarta were beaten by mobs for stealing a motorbike on Jalan Nanas, RW 04, Utan Kayu Selatan Village. Ironically, the two perpetrators were local residents, and were suspected of being specialists in motorcycle theft by a number of residents.

Hengki, one of the residents in Matraman testified that the two perpetrators were local residents, not far from the crime scene (TKP).

"The perpetrator is known as Botak, a resident of Jalan Swadaya and Dani, a resident of Jalan Kayumanis 6, Matraman. Indeed, people here often lose their motorbikes. That's why it's annoying that when someone is caught, they are immediately beaten." Hengki told reporters, Wednesday, January 26.

Residents of Jalan Nanas, Utan Kayu Selatan, Matraman flocked to see two thieves caught/ Photo: Special

The arrest of Botak and Dani, was recorded on video until it went viral on social media. In the video, the two perpetrators were beaten by residents because they were angry with their actions which made the surrounding community restless.

Farhan (19), the owner of the motorbike, said the incident occurred at around 20.30 WIB. Farhan said that his Honda Scoopy that night was parked in the alley right in front of his house. Even though at that time around the house was not too quiet.

Farhan admitted that he was eating, but suddenly heard a voice from outside his house.

"It wasn't long before I heard the sound of motorbikes screeching, like someone was messing with me," said the victim, Wednesday, January 26.

When Farhan left the house, he did not see his motorbike parked in front of his house.

"I came out without a motorbike," said Farhan.

However, when he checked to the right side of the alley in front of his house, Farhan saw his motorbike being pushed by someone he didn't recognize.

"I chased, I caught a coincidence in front of my friend, then we shouted at the thief," explained Farhan.

At that time, residents who happened to also see immediately chased the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the other perpetrator, who was riding a motorcycle, tried to escape, but was caught by the locals.

When caught, the two perpetrators were beaten by local residents. Likewise when it was secured to the local RW Post.

Farhan said the two perpetrators were around 25 years old. The two perpetrators were detained at the Matraman Police Headquarters.

The Matraman Police Chief, Kompol Tedjo, confirmed the incident.

"The investigation has been continued. (The perpetrator) has been detained," said Kompol Tedjo to VOI, Wednesday, January 26, evening.

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