KUPANG - Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Zet Sonny Libing said, NTT has 1,305 tourist attractions to be visited by domestic and foreign tourists.

"This province of NTT has a lot of beautiful tourism potential, if this potential is developed properly it will be able to boost the economy of the people of NTT," he said during a dialogue entitled 'Can the tourism sector encourage the acceleration of the NTT economy in 2022,' in Kupang, Antara, Wednesday. , January 26.

According to him, the 1,305 tourist attractions consist of natural, cultural and ikat tourism, consisting of 721 motifs spread over 22 regencies/cities in NTT. In addition, the attraction of culinary tourism with a variety of typical NTT foods and works of art spread across 22 regencies/cities.

He said that if the tourism potential is managed properly, it will bring huge benefits for economic growth and increase people's income.

The former acting Regent of Manggarai said that politically the NTT Provincial Government had placed tourism as the locomotive of NTT's development.

It is hoped that the creative economy will also grow because the movement of the tourism sector is able to encourage people's economic growth quickly.

For this reason, he said, he needed pentahelix cooperation with various parties and community support in efforts to organize tourist areas, including preserving the existing tourist nature.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission II of the NTT DPRD, Jhon Oemathan, added that the tourism potential that has been developed by the NTT Regional Government must also be supported by adequate human resources that support efforts to increase the tourism sector and maintain and care for the existing potential.

John also appreciated the progress and beauty of Kupang City, which he said had experienced a surge and received praise from many guests who came from outside the region.

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