JAKARTA - 1,836 ecstasy pills bearing the Superman logo were secured by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanjung Duren Police from one suspect with the initials RAP (22). Apart from confiscating ecstasy pills, the police also confiscated a package of methamphetamine weighing 0.20 grams.

"From the confession of suspect RAP, he got drugs from a colleague with the initials MA (DPO). MA is still being pursued," said Tanjung Duren Police Chief Kompol Rosana Albertina Labobar to VOI, Wednesday, January 26.

Kompol Ocha, as he is known, said that the disclosure began with the arrest of the suspect RAP on Jalan Arjuna Selatan 1, Kemanggisan, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

"From the evidence that we managed to confiscate, as many as 4000 lives were saved with an estimated nominal amount on the black market of 1 billion rupiah," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Tanjung Duren Police, AKP Fiernando Adriansyah, said that the evidence for ecstasy was found in the suspect's rented house on Jalan Tosiga 11, RT 013/04, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

"A total of 1,836 green ecstasy pills with the Superman logo were found in the development lease," said Kanit.

The development continues to Jalan Petojo Binatu V, RT 006/008, North Petojo, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

"The goods belonged to a colleague with the initials MA (DPO). The suspect in RAP was charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) sub 112 paragraph (1) UURI No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," he said.

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