JAKARTA - Edy Mulyadi has indeed apologized. But his apology could not stop the large number of reports coming to the police.

To the extent that the Bareskrim Polri took over the handling of all reporting cases of alleged hate speech with reported Edy Mulyadi. Edy Mulyadi had mentioned that East Kalimantan, which became the nation's capital city (IKN), was a place for genies to throw children away.

As of Tuesday, January 25, the National Police had received three police reports (LP) regarding the alleged hate speech. Two of them were received by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police and one at the Polda of East Kalimantan.

Then, there were also 16 complaints and 18 statements following Edy Mulyadi's statement. All of them were received by the Bareskrim and Polda ranks, namely the North Sulawesi and West Kalimantan Regional Police.

With so many reports up to the statement of position, it was decided that the handling would be concentrated in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"There are three police reports, 16 complaints and 18 statements of attitude were withdrawn at the Criminal Investigation Unit and the handling by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan.

Social media activist Denny Siregar on his Twitter account can't imagine how Edy Mulyadi is feeling right now. Moreover, reports against Edy are still popping up.

"Imagine how Eddy Mulyadi has been feeling for the past few days. Sleeping is not calm. Eating is not good," tweeted Denny, seen from his Twitter account, Wednesday, January 26.

The Secretary General of the National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) Ulama also straightened the context of the sentence "where the genie throws away children". According to him, the term is commonly used by residents of Jakarta to describe a remote location.

"I'm really sorry to want to be considered, I'm still sorry. The only thing I said in the context of where the genie dumped the child was to describe a remote, remote location. If my friends in Kalimantan feel disturbed, insulted, I apologize," said Edy through his Youtube channel, @BANG EDY CHANNEL reported by VOI, Monday, January 24.

Edy said that not only Kalimantan, but for Jakarta alone, there are several locations that used to be called places for genies to dispose of children. For example, in the National Monument (Monas) area, Central Jakarta, or BSD in the 1980-90s.

"So the place where the genie throws the child is a common term. I don't know if my friends have any motivation to try to play this issue, but even so I want to say that I'm sorry," explained Edy.

"But I'm still sorry that what I said earlier was considered offensive that we are here in Jakarta, especially a very general term as there are several areas that are culturally common. I want to say that the place where genies throw their children for me in Jakarta specifically describes a place that is far away or has nothing to do with it. demeaning interpretations and so on," explained Edy.

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