JAKARTA - The National Police have declared that Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law, Muhammad Hanif Alatas, is free and in good health. Because, before doing a health check first.

"(Hanif's condition, ed) is in good condition, healthy, safe, smooth and conducive," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to VOI, Tuesday, January 25.

Dedi said that Rizieq's son-in-law was free based on the Release Letter Number: W10..PAS.PAS10.PK.05.05.12-574 dated January 24, 2022 in conjunction with the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number: PAS-24.PK.01.01.02 YEAR 2022, dated 21 January 2022.

Where, the letter states that Hanif Alatas' sentence has been completed.

"Releasing or releasing convicts because Muhammad Hanif Alatas has finished his criminal period," said Dedi. In that case, he was sentenced to one year in prison.

"That's right (free, red)," said lawyer Hanif Alatas, Ichwan Tuankota

Meanwhile, Hanif Alatas was found guilty in the case of spreading false news about the results of the swab test at the UMMI Hospital. In that case, the East Jakarta District Court judges sentenced him to 1 year in prison.

Not satisfied with the verdict, Hanif Alatas also filed an appeal and cassation. However, at both stages the result obtained is still a 1 year prison sentence.

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