PADANG - Two residential units on Jalan Singgalang, Gunung Callun Village, North Padang District, Padang City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), were damaged by a tornado.

"Today there was a tornado that damaged two housing units, we have dispatched a team to the location to assist with the handling," said Head of the Padang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Barlius, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 24.

It is known that the houses affected by the strong winds belonged to Zulkifli (63), which has three inhabitants, and the residence of Azwar (58), which has five inhabitants.

Based on the analysis in the field, the damage to Zulkifli's house is estimated to be around 50 percent, while Azwar's is around 20 percent.

The strong wind blew the roof and the roof frame of the house, with an estimated loss of Rp. 10 million. But fortunately, there were no casualties in the incident.

Barlius explained that at the time of the incident, heavy rain was occurring in the area accompanied by tornadoes.

Barlius said that the Rapid Response Team (TRC) and the Padang City BPBD's Pusdalops PB under the Command of the Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division had also carried out data collection in the field.

In addition, the team handed over assistance for family needs (mattresses, blankets, soap and others) to victims affected by the disaster.

Meanwhile, for assistance in repairing houses, he continued, residents affected by the disaster could write letters addressed to the Welfare Section of the Padang City Government.

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