BADUNG - The Badung Police Team, Bali, arrested men with the initials FG (29) and PM (20). Both of them became meth dealers in the Badung Regency, Bali.

The perpetrators of FG had 1,014.83 grams of methamphetamine and 126.42 grams of PM perpetrators. Badung, Bali Police Chief, AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes, said the total value of the evidence was estimated at IDR 2 billion.

"The total evidence that we have secured is 1,158 grams of crystal methamphetamine, an estimated value of IDR 2 billion", said AKBP Dedy at the Badung Police Headquarters, Bali, Monday, January 24.

The disclosure of the case is the result of the development of the previous case. The police are still looking for the supplier of the illicit goods.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Badung Police, AKP Putu Budi Artama, explained that the perpetrators came from Surabaya, East Java, and lived in the Jimbaran area, Kuta District, Badung.

However, the shipment of more than one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine did not go directly to Jimbaran but transited on Raya Abianbase Street, Mengwi.

"Perhaps it is thought that the Mengwi area is not being monitored, so the methamphetamine package is taken at the TKP (the crime scene). Now transactions or transit deliveries are in villages", he said.

The perpetrator was arrested on Wednesday, January 19. At that time the perpetrator was caught taking something in the bushes.

When drugs were loaded into the motorbike, the police ambushed him. A package of methamphetamine was found by the perpetrator.

"When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted that Saiful ordered him to be in prison. He was told to move the methamphetamine package to Jimbaran", said Artama.

Meanwhile, PM was arrested at Meengwi Orchid Gang. There the perpetrators also took packages of methamphetamine in the bushes.

"The perpetrator also admitted that in his bedroom cupboard there was also methamphetamine. There was secured a package of methamphetamine wrapped in red duct tape, digital scales, scissors, and duct tape. The overall evidence that was secured was 126.42 grams of methamphetamine", continued Artama.

The two perpetrators were charged with Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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