JAKARTA - The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI (Army) Andika Perkasa, explained that there has been a change in the strategy his institution has implemented in dealing with problems in Papua and West Papua for the long term.

"We have done several things to deal with the dynamics of the problems there in the long term by returning the tasks or operations in Papua and West Papua to be part of the tasks of organic units such as tasks in other provinces and islands", said Andika Perkasa in a working meeting of House of Representatives Commission I, quoted Antara on Monday, January 24.

He explained that the problems in Papua and West Papua are related to dynamic thinking, so they must be faced with a strategy that is sustainable in the long term.

In addition, according to General Andika Perkasa, the TNI has the mandate to assist in accelerating welfare development in Papua and West Papua after the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua.

Andika Perkasa explained, in general, there are eight additional points for the placement of TNI soldiers in Papua and West Papua which are seen based on need.

"In Papua, in general, there are 8 additional points which are currently lacking in terms of need. These eight points are important because of our ability to present a Task Force", he said.

According to the TNI Commander, the eight points are: first, the Paniai Military District Commander Task Force includes Paniai Regency, Degoyai Regency, Waropen Regency; second, the Intan Jaya Military District Commander Task Force; Third, Puncak Military District Commander Task Force.

Fourth, according to General Andika Perkasa, the Lani Jaya Military District Commander Task Force covers Lani Jaya Regency and Tolikara Regency; fifth, the Yalimo Military District Commander Task Force covers the districts of Yalimo, Jayapura, Central Membramo; Sixth, the Star Islands Military District Commander Task Force; and the seven Nduga Kodim Task Force including Yahukimo and Asmat.

"For the elements of the Navy, there are 235 assigned to Main Base of the Indonesian Navy and Naval Base. The Air Force Task Force is assigned to several air bases in Papua with around 411 personnel", he said.

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