JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR RI together with the Government, KPU and Bawaslu held a meeting to determine the schedule for the 2024 General Election at the DPR Building, Monday, January 24.

The meeting chaired by the Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives Ahmad Doli Kurnia was attended by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Chairman of KPU Ilham Saputra, and Chairman of Bawaslu Abhan. In the meeting, all parties agreed that the voting day for the 2024 General Election would be February 14.

KPU chairman Ilham Saputra said based on careful consideration, the KPU proposed the voting day to fall on February 14.

"Polling day is planned to be held on February 14, 2024, so February 14 is Wednesday, Wednesday is the day the general election is held from year to year," Ilham said in a meeting at the DPR Building, Monday, January 24. The KPU had previously proposed that date as the organizer. "February 14 was also proposed at the first consignment between the government and the DPR RI," said Ilham. Responding to the proposal, Minister of Home Affairs Tito as the government's representative agreed on an election schedule for February 14.

"As for the date, we think the government has agreed on February 14th, so this will provide space for the simultaneous regional elections according to Law 10/2016 which we will hold in November," he explained. Tito hopes that KPU organizers have free time to prepare for the elections to be held in November. "So there is still time between February and November because it gives enough space in the event of a second round, for example," he continued.

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