JAKARTA - There was an earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 6.1 on Saturday, January 22 at 09.29 WIB in North Sulawesi. However, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Sangihe Islands Regency reported that its residents did not experience panic.

"The BPBD of the Sangihe Islands Regency reported a strong shock of short duration, about 3 to 4 seconds. Although the shaking was very strong, local residents did not panic," said Plt. Head of BNPB Disaster Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Saturday, January 22.

However, said Abdul Muhari, the earthquake that was also felt in the Talaud Islands had caused local residents to panic.

It was noted that the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 was centered 39 kilometers southeast of Melonguane, North Sulawesi, with a depth of 12 kilometers.

The intensity of the shock as measured by the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale shows III – IV MMI in Melonguane.

Judging from the type and mechanism, the earthquake that occurred was a shallow earthquake due to deformation of the Maluku sea plate.

"BMKG said that the results of the analysis of the source mechanism showed that the earthquake had an oblique thrust mechanism," said Abdul Muhari.

Based on observations up to 11.30 WIB today, as many as nine aftershocks or aftershock activities with the largest magnitude M4.5.

North Sulawesi Province has 15 districts with moderate to high earthquake hazard potential. The two areas, the Sangihe and Talaud Islands, were included in areas with this potential danger.

Responding to the potential danger of an earthquake, Abdul Muhari appealed to the local government and the public to remain alert and ready.

"Earthquake phenomena can occur at any time and there is no technology that can predict the time of occurrence. In addition to the potential for earthquakes, people in the area are also expected to be prepared for other potential hazards, namely tsunamis, which can be triggered by earthquakes," he concluded.

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