CILEGON – Two of the victims who died in a tronton truck accident at the Muara Rapak intersection, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan were residents of Cilegon Banten. They are Jhon Efendi Harahap (38), a resident of Citegon Cilegon, and Juni Dedi Ricardo Saragih (44), a resident of Gedong Dalem, Jombang Cilegon.
When contacted by the VOI team, the wife of the late John Efendi Harahap, the victim, yaki Ester, admitted that she had a bad feeling. This mother of one child told me that her husband always contacted her every day. But for this week not as usual. Esther said that the last time Jhon called was Wednesday, January 19. The accident occurred on Friday, January 21 at around 06:00 WITA.

"Usually every night it calls, sir, but last night not at all. But two days ago he called me, he also called his son," said Ester, Friday, January 21.
Ester revealed, in the conversation, Jhon Efendi asked his son to find a partner (wife) who came from Medan. What made Ester feel strange, John said that if he died, someone would remember him.
"You can marry a Batak person if you can. Continue from the village. It means independent. So if I die, let someone remember me. "That's why you are looking for a wife in the village," said Ester imitating the late's words.
"Yeah (he ordered) that, at that time, I didn't know. Because it's like joking with her child, "said Ester.
As previously reported, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Pol. Dedi Prasetyo conveyed the data on the number of victims who died in the fatal accident, which amounted to four people.
"Please allow me to rectify the last update in the field where four people died, one person is still critical," said Dedi, Friday, January 21.

Based on the results of coordination with the Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Police, data on victims was obtained as of 11.54 WIB, four people died, one was critical, four were seriously injured, and 17 were slightly injured.
The victims were treated at three referral hospitals, namely Khanujoso Hospital, Faith Hospital, and Ibnu Sina Hospital.
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